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How to perform Umrah

What is Umrah

In this topic we will cover about How to perform Umrah. Umrah is a spiritual journey for Muslims. Every Muslim has an intention to wash off all the impurities of the soul and get rid of sins along with strengthening their Emaan and bond with Almighty Allah.


It is a great pilgrimage for Muslim who cannot perform Hajj for any reason but can go to places like Makkah and do Ibadaat. It is similar but not the same to Hajj. A complete guide is needed to those who intend to perform Umrah for the first time. It involves many sacred steps for Umrah.. Let’s make it simple for you to understand!


Umrah consists of 4 essential parts.

  1. State of Ihram
  2. Tawaf-al Umrah
  3. Sa’i
  4. Halq or Taqsir

Preparation before Ihram


Before getting changed into Ihram one should take care of a few things like personal hygiene that involves trimming their nails, getting rid of unwanted hair and doing ghusl. If ghusl is not possible, only wudhu (ablution) will do. Men can apply attar to their heads making sure not to get it on Ihram garment. All these preparations can be done before the journey, at the place where you stayed.


Getting into Ihram


It is one of the Umrah rituals. This garment is needed to drape along the body for men. It consists of two long seamless clothes wrapped around the waist covering the lower body called Izaar. The other cloth is draped on the upper body like a shawl called Rida. 

Shoes: The sandals should not cover the heels and ankles. Also, the top part of the feet should remain exposed.


Where to wear Ihram?

It depends on where you are starting your journey. If you have to travel more, you can just wear it before entering Miqaat or if you are coming from a nearby area you better get prepared before traveling to the destination.

If you are traveling to Makkah from Jeddah airport, it is advisable to get ready at home or at the airport’s prayer room or bathroom after you check in. If anyone wants to consider wearing Ihram on an airplane, keep in mind that there are so many people who might be wanting to get prepared on a plane so you must prepare to get ready 1 hour before the crossing of Miqaat. Still getting ready on an airplane should be the last option. You better get ready at the airport or home.

If you are planning to go to Madinah before going to Makkh then you may skip wearing Ihram till here. Ihram can be worn at mosque in Madina or in train when you start journey to Makkah

Whether you are on a train or airplane, an announcement is made when you are about to cross Miqaat. You may remove unnecessary clothing that you are still wearing like socks or any headgears etc.

Women are not supposed to wear any special garment, they just need to have modest dressing. it is just that their face and hands may not be covered.


Salah-al Ihram


It is recommended to perform two rakkahs before entering into Ihram state. These can be offered at home or any place where you might get prepared like on an airplane in Medina hotel, Masjid e Nabwi, the designated place for Miqaat or on train. If you are not in a state of Ihram yet you can offer these nafal by only covering your head. For these nafls, Surah-al Kafiroon is to be recited in first rakkah and Surah Ikhlas in other Rakkah. But other Surah can also be recited.




The Niyyah of Umrah should be made when you are close to Miqaat. It can be done at home or long before you reach Miqaat but it’s recommended to do so when you are about to cross Miqat as there are prohibitions after you make Niyyah so it’s recommended to make niyyah just before entering Miqaat to avoid any uncertainty. The niyyah can be done verbally also if one wishes.

These may be recited three times.

Labbayka Llāhumma ʿUmrah.

O Allah, here I am to perform Umrah.


Allāhumma innī urīdu l-ʿUmrah.

O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah.


Allāhumma innī urīdu l-ʿUmrata fa yassirhā lī wa taqabbalhā minnī.

O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah, so make it easy for me and accept it from me.




The Talbiah validates your Niyyah of entering the state of Ihram. Some say that utterance of Talbiah is wajib but some say it’s Sunnah. After you utter Talbiah, now you are in a state of Ihram and called Muhrim. Make sure you take care of all prohibitions because if any of them is violated, you will have to do Damm or Sadqah as penalty for violation.


Labbayka Llāhumma labbayk, labbayka lā sharīka laka labbayk, inna l-ḥamda wa n-niʿmata, laka wa l-mulk, lā sharīka lak.

At Your service, Allah, at Your service. At Your service, You have no partner, at Your service. Truly all praise, favor and sovereignty are Yours. You have no partner.


It is recommended to send prayers to the Prophet (S.A.W) after Talbiyah and make dua for yourself and include others who concern you and continue reciting Talbiah all the journey.


Haram of Makkah


This is a sacred place around Masjid Haram that extends to several miles. This area has many prohibitions like:

  1. Cutting or damaging of grass, trees or any type of vegetation
  2. Scaring, harming and killing of birds and animals.
  3. Fighting or misbehaving.
  4. Carrying any type of weapon.


Important: After entering Makkah before going to masjid-al Haram if one wants to freshen up they should keep in mind the things that are prohibited. Also take necessary belongings with you.


As you reach Makkah keep reciting Talbiah, do zikr and send prayers to Prophet (S.A.W) and recite this dua:

Allāhumma hādhā ḥaramuka wa amnuka fa ḥarrimnī ʿala n-nār(i), wa aminnī min ʿadhābika yawma tabʿathu ʿibādak(a), wa jʿalnī min awliyā’ika wa ahli ṭāʿatik.

O Allah, this is Your sanctuary and security, so make me unlawful to the hellfire, make me safe from Your punishment on the day You resurrect Your servants, and make me one of Your friends and one of the people who obey You.


Aʿūdhu bi-Llāhi l-aẓīm(i), wa bi-wajhihi l-karīm(i), wa sulṭānihi l-qadīm(i), mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm.

I seek protection in Allah the Tremendous, His Noble Countenance, and His pre-eternal Sovereign Might from Shaytan the rejected.


Entering Masjid-al Haram:


After all the preparations, it is sunnah to enter the Masjid from the gate of peace (Bab-al Salam) but this may not be possible because there are different designated entrances for pilgrims performing Umrah. Enter the Masjid from one of them by stepping in from right foot and reciting dua of entering a Masjid. This dua is recommended.

Bismi Llāh. Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad. Allāhumma-ghfir lī wa-ftaḥ lī abwāba raḥmatik.

In the name of Allah, send prayers upon Muhammad ﷺ. O Allah, forgive me and open for me the doors of Your Mercy.

Aʿūdhu bi-Llāhi l-aẓīm(i), wa bi-wajhihi l-karīm(i), wa sulṭānihi l-qadīm(i), mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm.

I seek protection in Allah the Tremendous, His Noble Countenance, and His pre-eternal Sovereign Might from Shaytan the rejected.



Keep in mind:

  1. If you don’t intend to do Tawaf immediately you may perform Tahiyyat al Masjid
  2. In Masjid al Haram it is permissible to walk through someone who’s praying, with good discipline.

 First sight of Kaaba: 


When you enter a mosque keep your gaze lowered until you reach mataf which is open space near Kaabah and when reached there, you can experience the beautiful view of Kabbah, then make sincere dua with great concentration for yourself or anyone as it is a place where all prayers are answered.


Recite following three times:

Allāhu akbar. Allāhu akbar. Lā ilāha illa Llāh.

Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. There is no God except Allah.


 Preparation of Tawaf.

Now from here, men should make their right  shoulder exposed and only left shoulders should be covered. Align yourself with the corner of Kaaba where Hajr e Aswad is situated. There is a green light opposite to Kabba which indicates where Tawaf starts from. Now make the intention and you may recite this dua: “O Allah, I intend to perform the Tawaf of Umrah of the Kaaba for your sake and your sake alone. Please accept it from me and make it easy for me.”

This may be recited here:

Allāhumma innī urīdu l-ṭawwafa baytika l-ḥarāmi fa yassirhu lī wa taqabbalhu minnī.

O Allah, I intend to perform Tawaf of your Sacred House, so make it easy for me and accept it from me.


Kissing, Touching or Saluting Hajr e Aswad:

When you reach hajr e Aswad place your hands on it and say “Bismi Llāhi wa Llāhu akbar (بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ وَاللّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ)” then keep your face between your hands and kiss it. Some scholars recommended kissing three times.

If you reach Hajr e Aswad and touch it, but could not kiss, then you may kiss your hands after touching it.

If you are not able to touch it due to alot of rush then you may do it in a symbolic way like raising your hands around earlobes the same as we do while performing Sallah.

This dua may be recited while coming parallel to Hajr e Aswad in each circuit.


Bismi Llāhi wa Llāhu akbar. Allāhumma īmānan bika wa taṣdīqan bi kitābika wa wafāʿan bi ʿahdika wattibāʿan li sunnati nabiyyika Muḥammad ﷺ.

In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest. O Allah, out of faith in You, conviction in Your book, in fulfillment of Your covenant and in emulation of Your Prophet’s sunnah ﷺ.

Now start your Tawaf in anti clock-wise by walking through the right of Kabbah. Avoid walking through Hajr Imsail, otherwise, your circuit may not be counted.



In the first three circuits men should walk briskly only if they are sure that they are not harming the fellow pilgrims. In most of the cases it’s not possible to perform this action due to the large number of people gathered together near the Kabbah.


Zikr and Dua:

While doing Tawaf, you may make a lot of sincere dua with great devotion as this is the place where prayers are answered. There’s no specific dua to be recited here as it is the moment between a Muslim and His Almighty Allah.There’s no such obligation so that a man can make the most out of it.


Rukn-al Yamani

Upon reaching Rukan al Yamani (the corner preceding the Hajr e Aswad), if you get close to it, touch it with your right hand and say “Allah o Akbar”. If you do not get a chance, you may proceed by skipping the Takbir and gesturing to it.

Rabbanā ātinā fi d-dunyā ḥasanatan wa fi l-ākhirati ḥasanatan wa qinā ʿadhāba n-nār.

O our Lord, grant us the good of this world, the good of the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the fire.


End of Circuit at Hajr e Aswad

Returning to Hajr e Aswad marks one circuit. Begin the second round by doing the same. You have to perform Istilam eight times, one at the start of tawaf and others at the end of each of seven tawafs making it eight times. You should do Tawaf without any interruption. When Tawaf is completed, men should cover their right shoulder again.


After finishing Tawaf one should perform two rakkahs of Salah in a position where Maqam Ibrahm is situated between you and Kabbah. Since this place is in mataf, there must be so many pilgrims that are performing at the same time. Due to congestion, if you are not able to find a place you may perform this Sallah anywhere in Masjid Haram.

Wattakhidhū min maqāmi Ibrāhīma muṣalla.

And take the Maqam Ibrahim as a place of salah.


 Zam Zam 

After completion of Tawaf drink ZamZam which is available near the mataf and other places in Masjid Al Haram. The entrance to the old well of ZamZami is closed to create more space in mataf. The Prophet ﷺ said: “The water of Zamzam is for whatever purpose it is drunk for.”

Before drinking this water, make wishes for yourself for any benefit you want from Allah either it’s wealth or health. Now drink this while standing and facing towards Kabbah and saying Bismillah.

After you have finished drinking, now you have to go to Multazam which is located between Hajr e Aswad and the door of Kabbah. If you are lucky enough to get space to reach there, then raise your hands, cling to the wall with your chest and cheeks. Make duas here.

Recite this dua while drinking water

Allāhumma innī as’aluka ʿilman nāfiʿan, wa rizqan wasiʿan, wa ʿamalan mutaqabbalan, wa shifā’an min kulli dā’.

O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is beneficial, provision that is abundant, accepted deeds, and a cure for every illness.



It is Sunnah to complete Sa’i right after Tawaf. If you are tired, you may take a rest as it will take 3 kms to complete the Sa’i.


Istilam of Hajr e Aswad

Before Sa’i, it is sunnah to do istilam one last time making it nine times in total. If one is not able to go in line of Hajr e Aswad again, then he may omit it and do this by only facing Hajr e Aswad from distance.


Proceed to Safa and make dua

Now proceed to the hill of Safa which is located in Masjid al Haram in line with Hajr e Aswad. There are also signs that indicate the directions. Upon reaching the hill of Safa, raise your both hands for dua facing the Kabbah. You may say Takbir and Tahlil here and also send prayers to Prophet (S.A.W)


Inna ṣ-Ṣafā wa l-Marwata min shaʿā’iri Llāh.

Indeed, Safa and Marwa are from the Signs of Allah.

Then recite:

Abda’u bimā badā’ Llāhu bih.

I begin with that which Allah has begun with.

This is Sunnah to recite these:

Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, wa li Llāhi l-ḥamd.

Allah is the Greatest; Allah is the Greatest; Allah is the Greatest, and to Allah belongs all praise.

La ilāha illa Llāhu waḥdahu la sharīka lah, lahu l-mulku wa lahu l-ḥamd, yuḥīī wa yumīt, wa huwa ʿalā kulli shay’in qadīr.

There is no deity except Allah, alone without a partner. To Him belongs the Dominion, and to Him belongs all praise. He gives life and death, and He has power over everything.

La ilāha illa Llāhu waḥdah, anjaza waʿdahu wa naṣara ʿabdahu wa hazama l-aḥzāba waḥdah.

There is no deity except Allah alone. He fulfilled His promise, supported His slave and defeated the Confederates alone

H3. Proceed to Marwa and make Dua

After Safa, start your journey for Marwa. Here’s an area with green lights at some distance to each other which indicate the distance that hajar ran to get to higher grounds. These two lights are called Milayn al-Akhdharayn (the Two Green Mileposts). It is Sunnah for men to run between these lights at medium speed while women should go normally. You may recite any dua or prayer of your own choice for yourself. When you reach Marwa, now face the Kabbah, raise your hands and make the same dua as recited at Safa.


End of Sa’i

From Safa to Marwa one lap is completed. Going back to Safa will be the second lap. Seven laps are to be completed here. It will be finished at the hill of Marwa which is the end of Sa’i. It’s recommended to perform 2 rakkahs here and make dua.


Leave the Haram

Now you can leave Haram after completing all the rituals. Recite this while leaving the mosque.

Bismi Llāhi wa ṣ-ṣalātu wa s-salāmu ʿalā rasūli Llāh. Allāhumma innī as’aluka min faḍlik.

In the name of Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, I ask of you from Your bounty.

Halq or Taqsir

Shaved heads are called Halq which is for men and trimming of hair is called Taqsir which is for women. These acts are necessary to leave the state of Ihram and complete the Umrah. Here the Umrah a sacred journey is completed. May Allah accept every Muslim’s prayers, give a chance to perform this and accept all the Duas.

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